
Nine years ago, Beneunder made its name with small double-decker black umbrellas for “sun protection”. Today, its product line has expanded to full outdoor sun protection category, developing into a full-range outdoor lifestyle brand.


In 2022, the fourth generation of the store image system led by UND, with the theme of “Enjoy the Outdoors”, creates outdoor life aesthetics with life inspiration for modern urbanites.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所





Spatial Translation of Brand Tonality

1.Improve brand recognition and bring outdoor beauty into indoor space;

2.Focus on the five senses with intimate contact, friendly meeting and real experience.

3.Upgrade the display system and material system, which not only meet the function and decoration, but also comply withthe continuation of the theme.

记忆中的自然 Nature in Memory


Nature has always been a source of inspiration for human art for renewing itself in pristine nature.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


With the focus on “Ease, Health and Healing,” it eschews avant-garde alien works in favor of subtle power through field scheduling, appropriate scale and relationship establishment, it allows space and products to grow with appropriate distance and tension, thus gradually expanding a rich spatial experience. The designer extracts the “Nature in Memory” from the pure wild nature and moves into the space abstractly or concretely to build the structure and skeleton of outdoor life aesthetics.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

自然与转译Nature and Translation


Being young doesn’t have to be hip, cool and pioneering, it can also be very approachable. Human experience has always been formed from a point to the line and side. What determines the texture of space is not only the material, but also the content conveyed by the texture. Natural sun protection and cool technology are not only products and interactive devices that can be touched by fingertips, but also natural fun and life flavor.

∇ 外立面 Facade

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


The nature in the space is composed of intuitive and translated nature, which takes the form of a throughout mosaic, including lintels, floor tiles, wooden square walls and brick huts. Different levels of green can be extracted from thousands of green leaves to form the mosaic lintel.


The design of the prop frame, translated from the linear image of vines, focuses on reflecting the nature of life rather than commercial space. In the process of exploring color, form, technology and materials, thus forming the psychological landscape of “The Outdoor is Beneunder, and Vice Versa”.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

∇ 展陈架系统 Display shelf system

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

善意与便捷 Kindness and Convenience


The completion of a design is not necessarily to connect space, but to build goodwill and convenience with space. Different from the current popular retail stores that provide a wide range of goods for alternative, designers would like to make people with easy selection through scene display. In the understanding of designers, merchants and buyers are not game relations, but a friendly symbiotic relationship.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


Beneunder offers a wide range of products and seasonal features, making the display items inclusive and flexible. The designer has repeatedly calculated the product size of different categories, then tested and made samples for many times to ensure the compatibility of product props and the underlying display logic. Finally, the display hole board system and Rubik’s cube system can be freely combined horizontally and vertically, so as to meet the free transformation on different series of categories and different seasons.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

∇ 展陈墙系统 Display wall system

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


The cabin built of natural wood is like a “home” in the forest. The cashier desk is placed in the wooden house to give customers a more friendly sensory experience. The wooden square that constructs a house has receive a function to place oneself as “outdoor” scene when viewing outward. The angle of view transformation can integrate time and space between the density of points and lines, so that presenting the charm of the outdoors to people living in the square grid.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

∇ 木方小屋 Wood square cabin

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


The space material is dominated by natural materials, which uses soft colors as the base to create a warm and comfortable space atmosphere. However, to neutralize the spatial tone, the designer has used metal, acrylic and modern materials locally.

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

绿野布夕阳 Green Cloth Sunset

∇ 试衣间 Fitting room

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


The limited space to carry the infinite sound is not only to celebrate nature, but also to embody Beneunder brand philosophy of outdoor living aesthetics. Centering on the theme of “Enjoy Outdoors”, the designer has custom-designed the “Tree under the Starry Sky” installation. The continuous vitality and changing circle of light surround the tree body, forming a starry light on the ceiling and the ground, pointing to the hidden power of those trifles we have neglected.

∇ 大树装置 Tree device

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

视野之外 Out of sight


To depict life experience, manufacture fashion and produce mass consumption, commercial space is drawing functions and forms with the upgrade of consumption. However, if a space cannot enlighten people, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot penetrate into the depths of our minds. There are many faces of human life, while space is the life and poetry, finally assembled into an epic, always reminding us of who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going. Beyond our steps and beyond our vision, there is a much wider life to discover in the wondrous world of the outdoors.

∇ 道具/施工 Props/Construction

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所

深圳,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,z专卖店设计,蕉下,蕉下概念店,服装店设计,深圳COCO Park蕉下,COCO Park蕉下,Beneunder,蕉下店面设计,UND,UND设计事务所


项目名称 丨 蕉下·妙享户外
项目地点 丨 中国 深圳COCO Park
项目业主 丨 蕉下
项目面积 丨 120㎡
竣工时间 丨 2022/06
设计团队 丨UND设计事务所
主案设计 丨 马英康 马衍浩 张明统 王润维 黄树斌
参与设计 丨 周钰秀 赵玳淳 谭炫华 叶伢仔
项目摄影 丨 小乐
主要材料 丨 水洗石 树脂玻璃 木饰面 不锈钢
特别鸣谢 丨 顶源饰柜制品厂 猩猩照明 帕加尼照明
灯光支持 丨 赫之光.hesper

Project name: Beneunder – Enjoy Outdoors
CProject site: OCO Park, Shenzhen, China
Project owner: Beneunder
Project area: 120 square meters
Completion date: 2022/June
Design team: UND Design Office
Main designers: Yingkang Ma, Yanhao Ma, Mingtong Zhang, Runwei Wang, Shubin Huang
Participants: Yuxiu Zhou, Deichun Zhao, Xuanhua Tan, Yazi Ye
Project Photography: Xiao Le
Main materials: Washed stone, Plexiglass, wood veneer, stainless steel
Special thanks: Dingyuan Cabinet Products Factory, Gorilla Lighting, Pagani Lighting
Lighting support: Hesper

