
‘Creativity is the art of balancing the infinite and the finite.’ This quote from Oscar Wilde perfectly captures the essence of our latest project – Nikon’s flagship store in Guangzhou. We believe that creativity is the key to release the potential of any space. As a centennial brand with solid reputation of high-quality cameras, Nikon mostly focused on innovation and product development. After the successful reception of Shanghai Flagship, Nikon decided to continue the momentum and connect to its customers in the south of China. It is our goal to create an inviting environment that engages the photographic community and activates exchange of ideas.

∇ 透过落地玻璃窗,一探室内奥秘 a transparent facade maximizing exposure

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


On the 3F of the Grandview Mall, the irregular fan-shaped site sits at the corner with an elongated extension.

∇ 平面图 floor plan

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


The design challenge is to fit all the programs in the previous 3-storey Shanghai location, namely: gallery hall, product display and event area, into a single floor plan with smaller area and comes with a central column right at the front. Instead of making it ‘disappear‘, Lukstudio sees the original structure as an opportunity, turning it into an anchor of the touch-n-try product display area.

∇ 设计元素分解图 design element breakdown diagram

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

设计运用弯曲的纵向单元围绕柱子前方,让原本笨重的结构在视觉上显得更苗条精致,内设置亚克力形成一组各自分隔开的展示平台。自发光的设计让“悬浮静止”的平台看似在释放出广阔的能量, 打造十足的未来感与科技感的同时,又不失温暖与舒缓。曲面背景选择镀锌钢板这材料是对老式相机闪光灯的致敬。以立柱为圆心,镜面不锈钢材料被设计成同心圆状向外延伸,组成天花板,形成了一个充满未来感的“星系”。曾经空间中格格不入的部分如今充满着别具一格的设计,变成一个可探索、可体验的能量场,透过外立面释放,吸引人们入内探寻。

To slim down the original bulky structure, curved longitudinal shafts surround the front part and acrylic shelves are set within to form display cubby holes. The self-lit shelves appear “floating and static” as if they are releasing energy, while the use of galvanized steel pays tribute to the vintage camera flash. Based on the newly established focal point, the ceiling design is composed of concentric mirrored stainless steel strips, radiating outwards and forming a futuristic “galaxy”. The prominence of the once “sore thumb” in the space has been utilized to create a field of energy exuding beyond the main storefront and attracting the passers-by to explore within.

∇ 展架与展台围绕圆柱依次分布 display booths and shelves are arranged surrounding the cylindrical core

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 展示平台“悬浮”在弯曲的纵向单元中,镀锌钢板曲面背景的灵感来自老式相机闪光灯

“floating” self-lit acrylic shelves within galvanized steel curved shafts

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 体验展示空间的能量场 a field of energy in the Touch-n-Try area

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


The use of rammed earth finish and wooden display shelving continues the design language from the Shanghai store. Taking inspiration from shooting in nature, the exquisite photographic equipment in display are juxtaposed against rustic materiality. The material palette also helps to balance the cold appearance of metal finishes, ensuring a cozy ambience. Curvilinear islands with reeded texture are inspired by camera lens. Seasonal products are arranged in another flexible peg board area, demonstrating infinite possibilities of creativity with removable cross pegs looking like focus points.

∇ 墙面的质朴材料与未来派天花板取得平衡

rustic materiality along the wall stikes a balancewith the futuristic ceiling

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 通过展示设计语言与材料的变化区分空间 zoning by variation in display design

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 灵活性和模块化激发创造力 flexibility and modularity inspires creativity

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


At the event area, an explorer’s wisdom of adaptation is reflected in flexible furniture design allowing the space to transform from a casual hangout spot, different workshops, to a photographic studio.

∇ 多功能区全景 view of the multifunctional area

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 改变家具组合切换场景模式

different furniture combinations arranged according to program mode

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 简洁的线条和优雅的质感相得益彰 a harmony of clean lines and elegent textures

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

画廊内设有长凳,供在展品前静心观赏的人们使用。边几的出现赋予了单一长凳新的角色——产品展示点,新买的相机在这里打开包装,相机主人可以探索所有的创意可能性。边几和长凳之间巧妙的切口,也保证了两者之间相对位置的“引力”, 让它们更容易归位。

At the gallery, long benches are provided for those who take their time to ponder in front of the exhibits. A flexible side table turns the long bench into a product presentation spot where a newly bought camera is unwrapped and the camera owner discovers all the creative possibilities. An invisible pull between the bench and the table is made possible with an incision, a small detail to ensure the pair staying in positions.

∇ 画廊全景 view of the gallery

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝

∇ 由几何线条构成的家具,亦是雕塑 furniture made of geometric lines is also sculpture

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


A trolley fitted with a top display compartment is used to transport a printer in its bottom drawer, allowing the photographic community to print out their work during workshops.

∇ 可放置展品和打印机的多功能推车 multifunctional cart for exhibits and printers

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


Along the gallery wall, a feature of optic lenses where Guangzhou is written in light marks the checkpoint for the photography community.

∇ 镜片艺术装置成为直营店的标志性元素

the lens art installation becomes the signature element of the direct store

商业空间设计,零售店设计,相机零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,商店设计,专卖店设计,The Galaxy 摄影银河尼康广州直营店,广州,LUKSTUDIO芝作室,陆颖芝


项目业主 | 尼康
项目地址 | 广州市天河区
室内面积 | 200平方米
设计单位 | LUKSTUDIO芝作室
设计总监 | 陆颖芝
设计团队 | 吴敏仪、汪启湉、周嘉怡、乔海滨
设计内容 | 室内、道具、家具
主要材料 | 夯土漆、镜面不锈钢、拉丝不锈钢、钢化玻璃、金属网、波纹铝板、镀锌钢板、瓷砖、橡木贴皮、亚克力、人造革
设计时间 | 2021.11 – 2022.01
施工时间 | 2022.02 – 2022.05
施工单位 | 上海瀚龙装饰工程设计有限公司
项目摄影 | 黄早慧

Client | Nikon
Location | Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Net Area | 200 ㎡
Designer | LUKSTUDIO
Director | Christina Luk
Design Team | Munyee Ng, Angel Wang, Zoey Zhou, Haibin Chao
Scope | interior, millwork, furniture
Design Period | 2021.11 – 2022.01
Construction Period | 2022.02 – 2022.05
Key Materials | rammed earth paint, mirror stainless steel, brushed stainless steel, tempered glass, metal mesh, corrugated aluminum plate, galvanized steel, ceramic tiles, oak veneer, acrylic, artificial leather
General Contractor | ADM Design & Build
Photography | Huangzaohui

